YAMA | Yemeni American Merchants Association


YAMA Files A Lawsuit on Behalf of Yemeni Diversity Lottery Winner

On July 31st, the Yemeni American Merchants Association filed a lawsuit on behalf of Yemeni diversity visa lottery winners languishing across Middle East and South Asia as well as other lottery winners from the 6 banned Muslim countries; YAMA sought a legal remedy for 300 winners with national civil rights organizations. The ADC, ACLU, NILC,

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YAMA Launched a Relief Campaign for Yemeni Diversity Lottery Winners

On July 15th, the Yemeni American Merchants Association established a Launch Good campaign in cooperation with Pure Hands Charity for Yemen diversity lottery winners stranded in different parts of the world such as Malaysia, Djibouti and others. YAMA raised $20,000 that was distributed to 85 of the lottery winners who were affected by the travel

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YAMA Holds Media Campaign to Shine a Light on Diversity Lottery Winners

On Tuesday, July 11, 2017, the Yemeni American Merchants Association organized a media campaign aimed at highlighting the suffering of the green card lottery winners who are affected and stranded in different parts of the world such as Malaysia, Djibouti and others, it was able to attract a number of news agencies including the Reuters

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