YAMA | Yemeni American Merchants Association


YAMA Files A Lawsuit on Behalf of Yemeni Diversity Lottery Winner

On July 31st, the Yemeni American Merchants Association filed a lawsuit on behalf of Yemeni diversity visa lottery winners languishing across Middle East and South Asia as well as other lottery winners from the 6 banned Muslim countries; YAMA sought a legal remedy for 300 winners with national civil rights organizations. The ADC, ACLU, NILC,

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YAMA Launched a Relief Campaign for Yemeni Diversity Lottery Winners

On July 15th, the Yemeni American Merchants Association established a Launch Good campaign in cooperation with Pure Hands Charity for Yemen diversity lottery winners stranded in different parts of the world such as Malaysia, Djibouti and others. YAMA raised $20,000 that was distributed to 85 of the lottery winners who were affected by the travel

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