On Tuesday, April 24th, Yemeni Americans in heavily populated cities across the United States are calling for a 1-hour shutdown of their stores to let the world know of their pain and the pain and suffering of other Yemeni Americans who are separated from their families due to the #MuslimBan. Unlike other Americans, Yemeni Americans are prohibited from bringing their families to live with them in the US after fleeing the war in Yemen. Instead, they are stranded thousands of miles away.
On April 25th the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for and against the Muslim Ban in the Trump v. Hawaii case. The Supreme Court will review whether the latest iteration of the Ban, which bars nationals from 8 countries, exceeds the president’s authority and unconstitutionally targets Muslims.
For more than a year, President Trump’s Muslim Ban has separated families and thrown the lives of impacted individuals into turmoil. As the courts decide the legal merits of the President’s effort to turn campaign rhetoric into public policy, we must never lose sight of the real and devastating effect on human lives.
On Tuesday, April 24th, bodega owners across the country call on their neighbors to stand with them and their workers outside their stores to show America is bigger than that, better than that with Yemeni sweets and messages of solidarity to be shared over social media with the following hashtags: #BodegaStrike #IAmAmericanToo
We call on Yemeni Americans nationally and their allies to join their fellow bodega owners across the US in this 1-hour shutdown by walking out of school or work to make their voices heard against the Muslim Ban.
What: Communities Unite to Stand with Their Yemeni Bodega Neighbors Against the #MuslimBan
Who: Yemeni American 1 hour #bodegastrike Shutdown
When: Tues April 24th 12:00 -1:00pm PST 2:00 – 3:00pm CST 3:00 – 4:00pm EST
Where: In front of your local Bodega
City Lead Organizers & Spokes-People: Albany, NY – Faisal Dirhem +5189563504 – Nabeel Shohatee +5184707794 – Mosheer Fittahey +5188369896
Buffalo, NY Adel Munassar +7169039677
Rochester, NY – Nadhem Hussein +5855038312
Westchester County, NY – Abdo Elfgeeh +8458216736
New York City – Zaid Nagi + – Dr. Debbie Almontaser +9175598480 – Mugeeb Alrubyee +9172093021 – Faisal Alhashidi +3474718633
Washington DC – Salah Althari +7163135325
Virginia – Ahmed Alabood +8042449429
North Carolina – Zakariya Meshli Ali Saidi +9103167475 – Fatma Wasel +19196185029
Raleigh, North Carolina – Rashad Ahmed Hauter +2522266878
Michigan – Latifa Ali +2028238989
Bay Area, California – Ahmed Alharzy +13477179372
Bakersfield, California – Rafeek Alkablany +5102307430
Fresno, California – Saif Amin +5592742351
San Fransico, California – Mohammad Albeshari +4156665179
Hashtags: #BodegaStrike #IAmAmericanToo #NoMuslimBanEver We know tomorrow is Memorial Weekend, but hope you see support this important cause!