YAMA Scholarship For Current College Students 2021-2022
The Yemeni American Merchant Association is excited to announce its second scholarship program to five eligible recipients who are already enrolled in college for one year or more will receive a monetary award of $1,000 and an opportunity to serve the Yemeni American community through YAMA for the year. Winners will be announced at YAMA’s 3rd Annual Gala 2021. All applicants should include their full name, contact information, and the school they are currently attending or planning to enroll in with their applications. The award will be sent directly to your school’s Financial Aid/Bursar department. If the payment deadline for the fall semester has passed semester balance has already been paid, the award will be applied into the following semester.

Eligibility to Apply:
- Must be Yemeni American
- Must be an NYC resident
- Must be a daughter or son of a Yemeni Merchant
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Must be enrolled in a CUNY undergraduate school by June 2021 and provide documentation proving your enrollment
- Refer at least 3 incoming freshmen to attend 3 or more of YAMA’s College Readiness webinars online
- Must have community service experience
- Must commit to 40 hours of service at YAMA within the year of the scholarship
Submit one reference letter from a teacher or professor. Reference letter must be emailed by your reference to YAMA’s Director of Education yamascholarship@gmail.com
- Family members of YAMA board and staff’
- Graduate/doctoral students
- Private university students
Personal Statement:
Choose one prompt to write about
- Tell us about a time when you had a belief or idea challenged. Think about an experience or a moment that challenged – or even changed – one of your beliefs or ideas. Explain what your original understanding of the idea was, when that idea was challenged, and how you felt about it afterward.
- Explain the importance of your major/area of study in today’s society. How do you plan on making a career out of it? How will you use it to help your community?
How to Apply:
Application emailed separately will NOT be accepted. PLEASE make sure you have a Google account! Application must be completed on the Google form link below with essay and other required documents attached.
Application Deadline: March 15th, 2021 (11:59 pm)
For questions or concerns, please email us at yamascholarship@gmail.com